Monday, February 23, 2015

A little Monday Motivation

One of the advantages to living where I do means spending weekends on the IMCDA course. I've done a lot of training on these roads in the past, even before I was training for an ironman. However, now I pay closer attention to it, thinking of the race day that is looming ever closer. I also have the amazing benefit of a boyfriend and kid who are willing to come retrieve me when I run 'out' and refuse to come 'back'. My long run hasn't been long enough to take me to Bennett Bay hill and out to Higgins point where the turnaround is for the run course and the smaller out and back of the bike course. But yesterday was a beautiful (albeit chilly) day so I took some pictures thinking it might inspire my fellow CDA race companions!  Happy Training! The course is waiting for us!
US 95 bridge to the big (windy) loop and back into town

It might be subtle but that little incline after 100+ miles might suck?!

Sherman Avenue!!! The long (downhill) finishing stretch.

Hey there lake, get warm! 

City Beach-where it all begins

The hill that used to intimidate me. Not so much anymore!
 (because bigger hills)

Cresting the hill just past the resort

Free speed! (or... don't trip tired legs)

Along the lake 


  1. I LOVE this course and hope to do this race someday in the future!! I was out there cheering, spectating, volunteering and exercising on the course in day I will race it ;)

  2. what a fun post for out of towners!
